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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tonight's Update on the Prince....

The doctor called very late tonight- Jack had a long day of tests and procedures after I saw him this morning, when the poor dude did not look so good.  He has a naso tube in his nose and an IV in his hind leg.  Many parts of his body have been shaved, and his now bare belly is clearly very yellow from jaundice.  He seemed very weak, but aware we were there, and in fact, when I petted him some small tears trickled down his cheek.  This was heart-wrenching, as I recall Momma G doing the same thing after her stroke. The doctors assured me that he was stable and as comfortable as possible, and that he had a big day ahead of him.

Today, they inserted a feeding peg into his tummy so they can strengthen him with nom noms.  The doctor called tonight and said that he seems to be gaining some strength, and that he is holding his head up more and seems more responsive.  They were able to do the liver aspiration, which confirmed the fatty liver disease we expected.  The medication seems to be lowering his bilirubin levels, which is good, and urinalysis confirmed a UT unfection, which is being treated with antibiotics. His potassium level is rising, which is probably why he is becoming stronger,  and the insulin is getting his blood sugar back in line. 

My little warrior let himself get REALLY sick before he went down, which leads me to urge all cat parents:  don't ignore seemingly small symptons- get your baby to the vet and let them assess the situation.  Their little bodies can go down fast when something serious goes wrong!

It was good to hear the doctor say "He's still not out of the woods, but, gosh, he seems better than this morning!'

I won't get to seem him tomorrow since there is no visitation at the clinic, but I should get a call from the doctor with an update on his condition.

Thanks again to everybody for your kinds words and thoughts-  they mean more to me than you can imagine!


Kailyn said...

Glad to hear that Jack seems to be on the mend.

Shane said...

so sorry to hear about jackson's health issues. sounds like he's on the mend...thinking of you both!


Beth said...

I'm glad to hear a positive report.

You are so right about watching our furry ones for any sort of suspicious behavior or symptoms. It really can happen very fast, so if they're off their feed or stop drinking, something is wrong.

Heck, when we got back from NOLA, I noticed that Sheeba seemed to be squinting his left eye a little bit. It seemed to be watering a bit, too, and I really kept close watch. It must have just been a little scratch or something, and it's fine now. But they can't tell us what is wrong with them...we need to watch over them!

Hang tough, Jackson!

Mistress Maddie said...

Boy that poor thing as been through so much. Can his body take all of it Ginger? He seems to be doing better from what your saying. I don't know cats well since I had only one. Your both in my thoughts. Buster said Jack will be fine! He always HAS to add his two cents.

Ken Riches said...

Glad that Jackson is doing better, sorry you can not go visit :o(

Lulu said...

When I took my cat to the Vet, to put her down{hardest thing I did in my life} She had diabetes.
The Vet said, cats don't usually show symptoms until it is too late. I saw the signs, drinking a LOT of water, she also peed wherever she was, including in the kitchen, bedroom, ets, totally unaware that I was standing right next to her.
Yor prognosis sounds good! I hope things continue to gets better,
hugs to you and your "fur babies"

Lulu said...

When I took my cat to the Vet, to put her down{hardest thing I did in my life} She had diabetes.
The Vet said, cats don't usually show symptoms until it is too late. I saw the signs, drinking a LOT of water, she also peed wherever she was, including in the kitchen, bedroom, ets, totally unaware that I was standing right next to her.
Yor prognosis sounds good! I hope things continue to gets better,
hugs to you and your "fur babies"

mrs.missalaineus said...

thinking of you and jackson today. xxalainaxx

Abbe said...

George, so sorry to hear about your little kitty. I just went through an ordeal myself with my dog at Gulf Coast a couple of months ago - I feel your pain and your sadness. I also went there to visit him over the weekend and it almost felt worse than going to visit a human in the hospital. My thoughts are with you and Jackson. Wishing him a speedy recovery...

Mr.Mischief said...

I'm glad to hear Jackson seems to be improving...sending good thoughts.

Bob said...

Having been preoccupied with waiting for the Rapture--and by that I mean throwing a party at Chez Smallville--I missed the posts about your Jackson. Glad to know there's improvement and that he's a fighter.
So often our feline friends get sick and we don't notice because they're so good at hiding it. Gotta watch for those tell-tale signs.
PS I've got the Smallville felines--Tux, Max, Tallulah and Consuelo--on Prayer duty as we speak.


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