The FABULOUS Miss Ginger Grant!

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Miss Ginger's Newest Toy

You may not know this, dear readers, but Miss Ginger is quite the photography buff. And while she has never actually photographed anyone in the buff, she might, now that she has a professional quality camera in her hands again!

In her younger days, before she became distracted by sequins and slingbacks, Miss G spent years reading about and practicing photography, and even worked through high school at a photography studio back in Lake Charles. Back in those days, photography required a a darkroom, and that's where Miss G worked, developing photo after photo of white trash weddings. I wonder how many of them are still together?

Momma G supported my hobby completely (she was cool with just about anything creative), and because it was such an expensive hobby, would find all sorts of odd jobs for me to do around the house to earn money above the penance I received for developing photos, so I could by my first "real" camera. Through the years, I had many other cameras, but as I got busy with my career and my adult life, I used them less and less. Then, the digital age came and rendered them all obsolete, and since then Miss Ginger has muddled through with various and sundry "point and shoots", until her most recent bit the dust.

It's a sign, she decided, that the time is right to reenter the realm of creative photography. It seemed lke a bad investment for a while, as the megapixel battle raged on and on, from 3.0 mp to 5.0, then 7.0, then 10.0. Honestly, for the past few years, once you get beyond 10 megapixels, you'd have to have much better eyesight than Miss G to tell a difference on a normal size print or certainly on a computer image.

So, this camera, at 18 megapixels, should hold her for a while! It came with 2 interchangeable
lenses and a FABULOUS case, so the only accessories she had to buy for it were extra batteries and an extra memory card. Of course, Miss G loves to shop for accessories, and this beauty has a complete line to
support its every need!

Miss Ginger actually even stepped out of the norm and spent most of the day going through the instruction manual!!! Even though it can snap great pictures right out of the box, she figured it had so many features (that she paid good money for!) that she'd be stupid not to learn to use them. But it's dark out, so, other than a few practice shots of sleeping cats, she's not taken many photos yet! But she promises to post some tomorrow.

She may be the next Ansel Adams...

or Annie Lebowitz....

or dare she dream to follow in the footsteps of that greatest of jotophurnalists:


Anonymous said...

I'm SO jealous!! Have a great time with your new camera! One day I will have one like this too!

MadeInScotland said...

Have fun. Instructions these days. I remember when my parents couldn't manage the video. Now I know how they feel...

snap happy ahoj

Ken Riches said...

I love my Canon EOS digital, and I can even use my previous 35mm lenses. Happy buffing :o)

Mistress Maddie said...

I saw this post and was like I can't believe she is posting about a vibrator! Thank god it was a camera! What a cool hobby. I like taking photots to but nothing serious. I can already see the joint coffee table book with you and Inja!!!!!

Lisa said...

I am so glad that your momma supported your hobby too! I supported the Munchkin and we have both learned so much about this art form! Can't wait to see the "proof" of the manual reading!


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