Sam Tsui + Whitney Houston = Nirvana!!!!
Miss Ginger's FABULOUS Things!
Search Miss Ginger's FABULOUS World!

Monday, November 30, 2009
NEWSFLASH! Miss Ginger Swears Off Pinot Grigio!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
How Was Your Turkey (Day)?!

Miss G finished setting the table just as the first guests were arriving!
And, oh, what FABULOUS guests they were! Miss G is blessed with the most incredible family and "extended" family that anyone could dream of! Everyone seemed to have a great time, and there was never a lull in the lovely conversation!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What are your Thanksgiving Plans?
Oh, and to make it all worse... Celia's in Mexico for the Holidays, so Miss G has to clean the house herself! Ewe! How unthoughtful of the housekeeper to want to be with the family she hasn't seen in over a year, right when Miss G is starting the entertaining season!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Miss Ginger is Usually the Last to Know....
So she apogizes if this is old and tired! But she saw it on Mike Alvear's blog and she was very impressed by this little boy's management of ChromaKey® technology!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Rough Night and a Desperate Discovery!

Yet, tonight she was reminded just how important this beige hunk of plastic is to her life. Yasee, when she went to bed last night, she rolled over to turn in on and it wouldn't work. At first she thought a breaker had tripped, but the lamp and the clock were working. Maybe the cord came out of the back? No, it's there. Wiggle the cord. Jiggle the machine. The stupid little adapter block has been kinda fritzy, so fiddle with it for a minute. Nothing. WTF?! She should have replaced that cord when it first started giving her trouble. But it's always worked. Until now. Oh well. Goodnight, kitties.
Not so good. Miss G tossed, turned, and snored all night long. And now, her throat is sore and swollen from all the snoring. She is exhausted. And, it's Sunday. CPAPs-R-Us won't be open. Shit! Must.. have... sleep! There must be something in this house that uses a cord or adapter that will work...
Cell phone? Wrong shape. Kindle? Too small. Cordless phone? Too big. Laptop? Can't find it. Work laptop? VOILA!!!!
Miss G is going back to bed! Sleep....... must..... have...... sleep!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Drag Terrorists Threaten US Soil!

Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Getting My Act Together...
We have a GingerSnap who needs to hear this right about now!
Your new "old friends" are here for ya, ZM!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Shhhhh- Don't Tell Jack and Shelby....

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Congress recognized the importance of preserving this important slice of American History, and recognized the museum as the nation's only National World War II museum. Since then, it has grown to include additional exhibits in the main collection, plus a multi-media "4-D" theatre experience that is like IMAX on steroids! It was particularly meaningful to JC and I, since both of our Dads served in WWII, and we were both bawling as we left the theatre! Definitely a not to be missed experience!
Finally, we ended the night with more seafood, more wine, and more bonding. It was truly great to see my favorite cuz!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Miss Ginger Believes.... Do You?

Miss Ginger's Big New Deck... the finale!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Miss Ginger and Dame Shirley: BFF's!
"Made in Scotland" asked if Miss Ginger had heard of Dame Shirley Bassey- apparently the Dame is quite popular among Drag Queens in the UK. My answer: "Gurl, Miss G INVENTED Dame Shirley!" Okay, well maybe not, but she sure as shit loves her! Here's her favorite: "History Repeating"!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Perhaps One's Life is a Bit TOO Fabulous...
I mean, hell, do normal people even HAVE banquet tables? Miss Ginger has 4, and when she pushes them all together in the dining room she can seat 24 comfortably! Of course, the dining table has to go in the kitchen, and the kitchen table goes in the study, but everything fits and Miss G can create a grand banquet for her guests! She used to be able to set 24 places with matching china, too, but that got split up in the divorce, so she's going to have to buy some banquet china before Thanksgiving!
Miss Ginger hasn't had this many people for Thanksgiving in a long time! As you can see, she's started preparing already!
Friday, November 6, 2009
"Sylvester" and "Tweetie"
We start off with "Tweetie" so busy twittering that he doesn't see the puddy tat! This can't be good news

This gives "Sylvester" the opportunity to sneak up on his unsuspecting prey!
Sad Day in Texas...

But it turned ugly Thursday when this sorry Son of a Bitch
walked in to a medical facility in Fort Hood and opended fire, killing 12 people and wounding 13 others. Worst part of all, is that MAJOR Nidal Malik Husan was a psychiatrist from the Walter Read facility. And to rub salt in it all, the US Government and it's military paid for his medical training! All of it! Known to be "a devout muslim", this asshat managed to walk into a military facility with a loaded firearm (you'd think they'd check for that kind of shit!) and open fire. Bad news for him he that he chose to do it in Texas... we hang people here if you dent our pickup trucks. This asshat is gonna fry!
But seriously, the families of those killed and injured deserve our thoughts and prayers! There are more details on the story here. I'm sure we'll be hearing lots more about this as this slimewad is brought to justice to face what he did. The "mistreated outcast" and "misunderstood muslim" diatribe is starting already. It's gonna get ugly, I can tell!
In other news from the "fucked up Texans hiding behind fucked up religions" file, this asshole,

This dude may as well hang it up... save us the court costs and the the processing fees! Here's a message for him from Miss Ginger: "You won't survive the first week in prison, so be a man for the the first time in your life and swallow a bullet, you sorry son of a bitch!"
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The "Shake Date!"
Even Miss Ginger, who doesn't watch much TV, has seen the infomercial for the ridiculous "Shake Weight". But she never realized what a useful workout it could be until this parody starting making its rounds on the internet! Parody indeed!
Election Update...

Monday, November 2, 2009
In Other Local Races....
That is, until Carlos announced he was running for City Council!
Ah, Carlos! What can Miss G say about dear, sweet Carlos? She met him at a black tie affair, and damn, if that boy doesn't look FINE in black tie! He's not the most experienced candidate on the ballot, and based on our conversation, he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but really, people... are you that shallow? Do you select your leadership based solely on experience and intelligence? What about charisma? and charm? and shear, unadulterated, utter sex appeal? Now THESE are the traits Miss Ginger looks for when endorsing a candidate!

So, Miss G knows there's a lezzie running for some Council seat, and another old gay guy running for the other, and she'll vote for them if she can remember their name tomorrow morning! But, you can bet your bottom dollar on one thing: when it comes time to cast her vote for City Council At-large Position 5, she will be casting her vote for her future husband: Carlos A. Obando! She's perfect for the job of "First Lady At-Large"- I mean, c'mon people... they don't come much larger! Now, if she can just convince Carlos.... !
Tomorrow is Election Day!

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Miss Ginger Chimes in...
FYI... 2nd from left was her favorite!
But she also remembers, everytime her Dad would take her to the Mall, going to Musicland (blast from the past, people?!) and checking out the cover of Grand Funk Railroad's "All the Girls in the World: Beware!"