Miss Ginger's FABULOUS Things!
Search Miss Ginger's FABULOUS World!

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Home, Sweet Home!
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm not sure which is funnier...
It said" "looks like a big pink garbage bag filled with creamed corn!" Creamed corn- in a sentence! I'm laughing my ass off!!

For You Retired Researchers Out There...
how did the phrase "going commando" originate?
Best Wishes to the future Mrs. Mischief!!!
Choice #1: Over-the-top Traditional:

Choice #2: Classically Traditional:

Choice #3: Painfully Period:

Choice #5: Over-the-top Sexy:

Option #6: Runway Glam:

Option # 7: Hippy Chic:

Choice #8: Renfaire Beerwench:

Choice # 9: Goth Girl Glam:

Choice #10: A Ginger Grant original!
Vote for your favorite on Miss G's sidebar!
PS: this blog entry was NOT approved by Miss A! She may think she can pick out her own dress!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
DDB Weekend Update...
We all met up at DD's for drinks, then dinner at an Afghani restaurant in his neighborhood. "Afghani" is exotic for "shish-kebobs on rice", and they were quite tasty, and just the perfect amount of food to form a base for a night of heavy drinking without making one feel all "bloaty". After a couple more drinks at DD's, we took at couple of cabs to 2x2 (2nd at 2nd) to "the Urges". After a little mangling and wrangling (and elbowing a few bitches!) we got the spot we wanted at the corner of the bar. DD instantly fell in lust with the great big bubble-butt Papi, Miss G instantly fell in lust with the cute young Papi with long hair and bedroom eyes (she remembered him from the last trip!) and Howard fell in lust with the DJ. Quelle surprise there! We were relatively well behaved except for the whole elbowing thing, and we didn't touch anything that wasn't offered. And a lot was offered. And we touched. It was all good!
Saturday am is rainy in Manhattan. We've accounted for everyone, and are going to gather in a few to head over to Excellent Dumpling House for some excellent dumplings and some Barbequed Pork Buns!!! More later!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ghetto Note Pad
Cream of Twitter...
BTW... it's called "Shit My Dad Says"... and believe me when I tell you, Daddy Ginger could have said any of them!
· "I like the dog. If he can't eat it, or fuck it, he pisses on it. I can get behind that."
· "Son, people will always try and fuck you. Don't waste your life planning for a fucking, just be alert when your pants are down."
· "You're being fucking dramatic. You own a TV and an air mattress. That's not exactly what I'd call "a lot to lose."
· "It's not the gardener's job to pick up the dog shit. If you don't want to pick up the dog shit, then learn a skill like gardening."
· "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fucked you."
· "Happy birthday, I didn't get you a present...Oh, mom got you one? Well, that's from me then too, unless it's shitty."
· "I'm having a Makers Mark, you want one? What? 7up? I ain't mixing fucking makers with 7up. Might as well put a lil' fucking umbrella in it"
· "Your brother brought his baby over this morning. He told me it could stand. It couldn't stand for shit. Just sat there. Big let down."
· "The dog is an outside dog. You want an inside dog, you go get your own inside."
What kinda shit did YOUR Dad say?!
Packinherbags.... AGain!

Miss G, on the other hand, has got some work ahead of her!
It starts with the shoes... she's got to pick something FABULOUS and stylish, yet walkable... it's NYC after all! That schlep from the hotel to Esquelita could get ugly in the wrong shoes! Once the shoes are picked, she can choose an ensemble... something suitably FABULOUS to greet her NYC fans for the first time, yet not so flashy that she attracts il paparazzi! Why ruin an otherwise perfect evening with gawkers?! Once the clothes are selected, they will dictate the appropriate foundation garments... these thighs don't leave the house without lycra! She'll have to sift through the tackle box of spackle to find the cosmetics she'll need, because she doesn't want to haul the whole box on the plane! Then, there's la coiffure! OMG, what a hassle! It has to be wrapped in bubble wrap, nested into a corrugated box, and carefully place into a suitcase to be clearly labeled "FRAGILE- Handle with Care!" so those handsome luggage handlers will know to be particularly careful with Miss G's most important feature! No wonder the bitch doesn't get out much!
But, it will be worth the hassle to see her DEAR sister Mamie, the handsome Marker, and the ever chipper Sissy and his handsome hubby Joe! Oh, and Howard, Miss G's official DJ for the weekend! Gurl don't go nowhere without her soundtrack! Toodles, poodles! Hope you get to see me in NYC! Be there or miss Miss Times Square!!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
What is it about a daddy?

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Welcome Gingersnaps!
How to tell when you've had enough at DDBW II...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Course Correction
About 5 years ago when the house was expanded and the back patio was created of flagstone and brick, Miss Ginger had the stonemason leave a little semicular clip in the corner to make a planting area, and she planted 5 little birch trees. So adorable, with little uplights and everything.
But now, they have just become the nightmare trees from hell! They drop shit on the patio all year long. Vines from the neighbors yards crawl across the fence and climb up in them. Their branches tangle in the power lines and phone lines. And birds sit in them and shit all over the patio table. They need to go!
Bad Decision #2- Hot Tub
This seemed like a great idea at the time! I guess Miss G had visions of a whole lot of this:

What a pain in the ass that thing was! Keeping the sanitizer level consistent was a nightmare, and the water just never seemed "clean" to Miss G. The first time it leaked, we fixed it. The second time it leaked, Miss G realized that it would continue to be a problem until the 10 miles of flexible piping that form its bowels got replaced. Miss G decided "fuck it" and shut the Goddam thing off at the breaker. It always made her skin itch anyway! It now serves only as a play surface for Nog.
So, off they both go. Of course, Boy Ginger wanted to do all these projects himself, but the ever clever Miss G said "Hell, no, we are hiring professionals!" So, she found an adorable little contractor who is going to rip out the hot tub and extend the deck into that space, and also provide some storage underneath and additional seating up top. And Miss Mary Beth is going to take her turbocharged chainsaw to the birch trees, and off they go! Projects that would take Boy G several months will be finished and cleaned up in no time flat!
All that will be left for Boy G is to plant a more appropriate specimen at the corner of the patio (Miss G is thinking bird-of-paradise), and then Miss G can add some fall color to the planter boxes!
Now that we have FINALLY reached that GLORIOUS weather stage that Texas gets to enjoy for about 2 months, Miss G can enjoy her back yard and spend more time with Nog! It's beautiful outside- a perfect 70 degrees with no humidity and not a cloud in the sky! We'll get to enjoy this until about Thanksgiving, when it is likely to get rainy! How's your weather?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Burnin' Down the House!
By DALE LEZON Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
Oct. 13, 2009, 6:49AM
Firefighters put out another suspicious blaze in the Heights area overnight.
Around 9:30 p.m. Monday, the Houston Fire Department responded to a fire at an unoccupied residence near the intersection of 23rd Street and Durham. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze, but officials said it appeared to be intentionally set.
The Heights area has been hit with 15 suspected arson fires recently, starting in August. Most have been set at unoccupied businesses in the early morning hours along Ashland between 10th and 11th streets, meaning Monday's blaze was several blocks from where the majority have occurred.
The latest fire occurred on the same night of a Heights community meeting about the rash of blazes.

I can't imagine that it would be so hard to catch this guy... he'd be the one walking through the neighborhood at 3am with a can of gas in his hand!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I LOVE This Doctor!

Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO, what a ride!!"
AND.....For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Demise of the "Big Gay Living Room"!
Every big city used to have it's "Big Gay Living Room". You know, the bar that opened by at least 1pm, was the first to get a crowd, got REALLY crowded around happy hour, got REALLY crowded again just after 10pm, and then emptied abruptly about 30 minutes before last call! It was the bar where you knew the bartenders, always liked the music, and could usually just "show up" and run into at leat 20 people you knew!
Well, Miss Ginger has discovered that "TBGLR" is dead. Gone. Extinct. No longer needed. Like the abacus and bathtub gin, the THBGLR is obsolete..... gone forever!

In Houston, TBGR was JR's- "Never a cover, always a groove". On any given Sunday afternoon at JR's in the 90's. JR's would be PACKED with men! Older men looking to regain their lost youth. Younger men looking to see and be scene! And a young drag queen just looking to make friends in the world!
Not so much anymore! Miss G went for lovely afternoon cocktails with a new friends today, and we were initially SHOCKED at the scant crowd (though, Miss G must admit, THRILLED with the parking!) After a few cocktails and a bit of observation, we realized that there were several factions missing!
1. The young... Thanks to "Will and Grace" and other such shows, homosexuality is so well tolerated among young people that the gays and straights now just all party together! What the hell! Miss G tolerated the gropes of all the old farts when she was a cute young stud, so Goddamit, who's she supposed to grope now?!
2. The connected...what with "Twatter" and "facegrope" and all those other newfangeled sites, the boys don't have to drink until they filter through the rifraff to determine the least common denominator that will hook up with them tonight! They can just enter their search criteria and "badaboom... meet me in the third stall at Denny's on I-45 at 10pm!"
3. The old... they are too busy to go out! It takes hours to Photoshop their face onto a younger body with convincing realism!
Miss G misses the "good old days"!
What was YOUR Big Gay Living Room?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Miss Ginger Welcomes a "Newwwww Memba"!
Not that anyone's counting, but that brings GingerNation® to a census of 61!!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sex is Sex, Goddamit!
These stats don't suprise Miss Ginger at all! While "acceptance" of gay sexuality may not be markedly increased among America's "adult" population today, "conversation" about such controversy is definitley "up"! In my parent's day, the conversation about the local florist was gossip about whether he "was" or "wasn't", not about whether he "should" or "should not" be allowed to marry!
It didn't matter one little bit to me and my best friend in high school! When he threw rocks at my second floor window on Saturday night, he knew that my momma had gone to bed, and my daddy was sound asleep in his recliner! We knew we could go up to my room and explore each other's bodies in a way we knew would not be accepted by our parents, yet in a way we did not identify as "gay". I mean, c'mon... it was a small town in south Louisiana! We knew there were people in the world who were "gay", but we had also been taught that this "freak of nature" only occured in places like California and New York. Even though we knew what we did with each other was "wrong" in the eyes of our parents, we also knew it brought us great pleasure, and a treasure we could share only with each other!
When we were in college, it was my BFF who first discovered that there were others in the world who could share such intense pleasure with us. At first, I was jealous, but I soon realized that I was not so much jealous that my love had been usurped as I was that my best friend was having thrills that I was not enjoying! Once I realized I could have the same euphoria, all was well in the Universe!
Then, Baby Ginger became the horndog of South Louisiana! She fucked what she could, and worked out until she could fuck what she previously couldn't! She was the belle of the ball, the wrecker of homes, and the breaker of hearts!
Then, the worst possible of scenarios occurred: she graduated from college!! Quelle dommage! She would now be required to earn her own way in the world!
Lucky for her, her parents didn't know about the whole "butt fuck" thing, although she's quite convinced that before their untimely deaths, an unspoken "don't ask, don't tell" policy evolved. Momma G once said "your Daddy and I don't tell about our sex life; we don't want to hear about yours!" 'nuff said! The 'ner disinherated Miss G can live with all that!
Originally, this post had a single point, but its has now evolved into a "bi-pointed" post!
Point #1: As conversations about sexuality become more comfortable, and lines between "gay" and "straight" blur, it's important that high school age kids learn that intimate contact with another human of either gender can put them at risk for STD's. It's no longer the Grease mentiality of "don't fuck the easy girls" and you'll be okay!
Point #2: Miss G's philanthropic focus has evolved, Miss G realizes, as a way for her to "make right with the world" her parents very narrow focus on sexuality. What better way to repair their naivety than to use their own money to support a cause they would have opposed... because they assumed it did not apply to them! If they had known how important the cause was to their baby boy, they would have been the proudest parents the the P-flag rally. Eventually! Love ya, Joy and Frank! And I wish you were alive today to see how succesful and happy your baby boy has become!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
NFL Hottie of the Week!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Miss Ginger Has Suspected This All Along!

Watch out for these: spinach, tuna, oysters, sprouts
By LYNDSEY LAYTON Washington Post
Oct. 6, 2009, 2:00PM
They are also among the 10 foods most likely to make you sick, according to a nonprofit research group's analysis.
Researchers analyzed federal data collected since 1990 to identify the foods regulated by the Food and Drug Administration that caused the most outbreaks of food-borne illness. The 10 riskiest foods were, in descending order: leafy greens, eggs, tuna, oysters, potatoes, cheese, ice cream, tomatoes, sprouts and berries
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sunday Services
Just to set this up for you:
it's a bunch of British girls in green mini-dresses-
and a handfull of rythm-less British guys in all black-
in swing choir style on risers-
singing gospel music while a black guy on a pedestal does a St. Vitus dance in the middle of the studio.
Yet surprisingly, Miss Ginger found it quite uplifting! Enjoy!
Disturbing on So Many Levels!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
For Auntie Flame on her Special Day!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Boy Ginger on the News!
I can't figure out how to imbed from the Channel 2 news site, but here's a link if you want to see! It's around 1:25!