The FABULOUS Miss Ginger Grant!

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Grand Opening Sparkle!

The Grand Opening Gala in New Orleans was so FABULOUS that it has taken the New Orleans Times-Picayune 4 days to come up with enough adjectives to publish an artice describing its grandeur!!! It was a VERY flattering article, and Miss G was thrilled to find her Kate Spade Handbags, Coach Shoes, and several other pieces of her FABULOUS merchandise prominantly features! Gawd, she had to grovel to get KS into that store!! She would have included a link to the actual article online, but, alas, it was nowhere to be found on the Times-Picayune website ( If anyone can find it, please let me know!


Beth said...

Wow, that looks amazing. What I thought was neat was the pictures of the shoppers--they all have big smiles on their faces, and look like they were having the time of their life!

I saw those same striped boots when we walked through our Macy's the other day! LOL

Hugs, Beth

Dan said...

Job Well done! Just what NOLA needs! :)

Ken Riches said...

Glad the review was positive. Hope you are enjoying the slower pace :o)


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