It was a great day overall! Miss G started the day with brekkie at the hotel, then a walk to the mothership to check things out.

Who should be browsing for a new pair of chinos but Bob Tuschman, Senior Vice President of Programming for the Food Network. Apparently, it's a pretty good gig, since he clearly doesn'twork on Monday afternoons, since he was out shopping in chino shorts and a t-shirt. He's such a cute little thing! Here's his high school yearbook picture!
After a quick spin through Bloomingdale's, Miss G navigated 3 subway changes to get herself to the Village, where she stopped by the Garage for still more delicious and well priced beverages! She decided to make a shopping tour of the village and found a great sale at Jack Spade where she picked up a beautiful leather bag for Boy G to carry his "stuff" to work!
After all that shopping, she twisted Mamie's arm to allow her to buy a birthday dinner for her dear, dear sister! We decided upon Centro Vinoteca, which happens to be the current "haunt" of

After our delightful dinner, we ambled up 8th Avenue to the High Line, a park that has been created out of an abandonded elevated train track! What a beautiful and ingenious space!! It was a gorgeous night for such a jaunt, and many of the cities most lovely people were enoying the space as well!