Miss Ginger received "The Honest Blogger" award from Edder over at "
I Don't Care for Your Tone", an honor for which she is truly grateful! By the way, if you're not reading the musing of this beautiful and hilarious Canook, check her out
Anyway, along with the award, Miss Ginger is compelled to share 10 honest things about herself, so here goes:
1. She is terrified of snakes, the one animal she just can't abide. If she sees a picture of a snake it will give her bad dreams at night.
2. She LOVES to talk about bodily functions! There is nothing funnier on earth than a good fart joke!
3. Her favorite hobby is people watching. She can sit in an airport for hours, imaging the back stores of all the freaks and ho's that pass her by.
4. Not a day goes by that she doesn't miss her late Mother. Of all the people Miss Ginger has lost, that has left the largest hole in her life.
5. She talks to her cats like they are people, and responds as though they have answered. The conversations sometimes go on for hours.
6. Her favorite part of her day job is 5pm.
7. Her favorite part of her stage gig is perfume. Her least favorite part is wigs- damn those things are hot! Shoes and pantyhose be damned, it's the wigs that drive her crazy!
8. She thinks the funniest word on earth is "butthole". It's like there's a hole in your butt- hope nothing leaks out! Why don't we call our nostrils "noseholes"? Our our mouths "faceholes"?
9. She cries at the end of stupid, sappy, feel-good movies and broadway shows, because they are over and she wishes they could have lasted forever!
10. She takes pills that make her pee a lot, which can be really inconvenient when she is tucked into 3 layers of panty hose!
Now, Miss Ginger is also supposed to award the Honest Blogger award to 7 bloggers of her choice, who hopefully will respond will even more titalating revelations! So, the Bloggy Award goes to:
And if you are not reading these blogs, check them out! They are hand selected by Miss G as grade A, certified top quality, filet of the web reading!