Miss Ginger's FABULOUS Things!
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Sunday, November 30, 2008
Welcome to our FABULOUS World!
2 New Features!
Love to all!
What a Beautiful Day!
Anyho, today Miss G was thrilled to discover upon awaking that the cool, dry air has returned! It was brisk this morning, and now it's breezy and sunny! Perfect weather! Tonight it will get cooler, and it will be perfect weather for the turkey and sausage gumbo Miss G is making from the leftover turkey! The bones and such are boiling down to make the broth, and later this afternoon Miss G will make the roux and put it all toghether! It's a great way to get every bit of use out of a Thanksgiving turkey, instead of just throwing the carcass away!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Miss Ginger Survives Black Friday

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Miss Ginger Talks Turkey!

She cooked it on the rotisserie outside on the grill, which worked out beautifully. She wanted it to self-baste, so when she trussed it, she tucked a bacon slice under each wing, and stuck a stick of butter in the cavity. YUMMY! I turned out beautiful and moist!

Monday, November 24, 2008
Nutwood Beth blogged about cauliflower, and Miss G is making that for Thanksgiving. Then Northwest Dan disclosed his entire TG menu, and Miss G thought she should do so as well.
So, Miss Ginger is going to make the turkey outside on the rotisserie, weather permitting. Brother B is bringing the stuffing, since Miss G doesn't think it's safe to stuff a bird when she's cooking it outside since the oven temp is hard to control.
She's also making cauliflower, which she grills in a foil packet with olives, pimentos, and garlic mixed in. Sounds weird, but it's way yummy. Of course, green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. It's a small group this year, just the 3 surviving bubbas, plus friend Karen whose doesn't have time to fly home for TG since she works for the big M and has to be at work at 4 unGodly am!
Is anyone else mourning the loss of "Strobe" on Sirius Sattelite radio? When they merged to form Siruis XM, "Strobe" the disco station, went away. The release from Sirius XM says "if you liked "Strobe" you'll love "70's on 7", but it't not the same. There was a lot of music in the 70's that wasn't disco, and while it was great music it's not what I want to drive to. Thank Goddess that "BPM" and "Chrome" merged beautifully!
Prayers for Mistress Maddie on the loss of her beloved pet. I am so in love with my kitties. They bring me so much joy as I know Miss Starbooty did for Mistress Maddie. I know you'll be sad for a while, sweetie, but here's a little something amusing that hopefully will make you smile!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Full Circle!
Beth: you'll love Miss A's blog! I think the name Miss Alaineous fits it so well, because other than the obvious, her opinions and insight are so incredibly diverse and, well, miscelleaneous! And she's got a heart of gold and a soul to match.
GingerSnaps: if you haven't checked out these places yet- follow the links and head on over!
Miss Ginger Chimes in on the Automaker Thing!
First of all, Nutwood Beth posted about the effect the shutdown of Studebaker had on the economy of South Bend, IN in 1963. If I am summarizing correctly, she felt strongly that the automakers must prove a viable plan before the government provides any assistance. Her husband Ken, in a separate post, ran some numbers to estimate what he thought the failure of the industry potentially could cost. One of his commenters went so far as to add that she wondered if this "impending doom" of the automakers foretells the fall of Capitalize, if I editorialize just a tad on her words.
Ken quoted a number that blew me away when he used the assumption that the average auto worker makes $60k a year. I'm not sure where Ken got his number, but I am going to assume it is accurate.
Everyone knows that the chief executives are making way too much money, especially in light of the results they are showing. But really, in the whole American auto industry, there are 3 CEO's. 3. That's it. And any business plan for any company is going to allow for a CEO salary that can attract a leader capable of managing an organization of that magnitude. And sure, they surround themselves with a bevy of stuffed shirts and yes-men that are all overpaid as well. But they are part of the budget. And the existence of some of them is inevitable, and a few might even be required. But really, in total they are just a handful of the millions of autoworkers whose jobs are at risk.
If you go into the plants, you find the masses, the "millions" the press likes to call them. They will form the bulk of the corporate payroll, not the execs. The riveters, the painters, the assembly workers, and "all the rest" take home the largest portion of the payroll. These are the "worker bees". The ones who make the honey. The ones who get it done. They may or may not be educated. They may or may not have skills. They may or may not even be very dedicated. But if Ken's salary average of $60k is correct, they are taking home $28/hr for every hour they work. A salary typically negotiated by a labor union, not granted due to superior work, or supreme dedication, or remarkable results. When the raises come along, everyone gets them, whether they are the best in their field or the worst. What happens to them? Where would they go? What would they do if they lost the only job they know how to do?
They could go down to their local mall and apply for a job at, say, a department store. Department stores almost always have job openings, and they require very little experience. And department stores require lots of worker bees. People to fold the clothes, pick up the fitting rooms, wait on the customers, ring them up, smile, be nice, and make the customers want to come back and spend money there again. Worker bees. The lifeblood of any industry.
And do you know what the worker bees make in a department store? $8.50 and hour, usually. Some make more, but even the oldest, most experienced don't make much more than that. If they have been there "all along", since the "good old days", they may make it to a wage of $12 or $13 an hour.
Most of those older worker bees have a drawer full of old nametags, too. Names like "Bullocks", "Burdines", or "Broadway". "May D&F","Meir and Frank", "Filene's", or "Marshall Field's". Miss Ginger has stores in Louisiana that have been named "Goudchaux's> Maison Blanche> McCrae's> Parisian> Foley's since they were built in the 80's.
It's an industry of the survival of the fittest. Fat cats don't make it. Quick fixes don't work. And nothing can be swept under the carpet (which is glued to the floor, by the way, so it won't wrinkle and trip people!) And the big sharks swallow up the little fish every day.
You may have a newly named department store in your town; it may have even replaced one of your venerable old favorites. You may have seen changes in the store, or it may be pretty much the same to you. But if you look at the faces, you'll see the people in the store are many of the same people who have helped you for years. They wear all black to work now. They wear a different nametag. And they had to learn to work a "new-fangled" cash register. But they have a job. With a company that respects them. And makes them feel good about what they do every day. That didn't get bailed out by the government, and never will. Americans would laugh at the thought of bailing out the Department Store industry. But I'm not sure why? It appears to be a hell of a lot better run than the automakers!
So, start your Chevrochrysford and head to the mall!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Happy (Belated!) Bloggiversary to Miss Ginger!
So, here's to the one year old (drag queens lie about their age!) TFBOMGG!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Couple of Photos
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Miss Ginger's Mouth Hurts!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Chompers are In!
The procedures were long. Dr. M. started around 9:30and worked straight through till 3:30 pm. Miss G is tired and her mouth and jaw is sore, but the teeth llok great. She's having a bloody at the brand new Continental Presidents Club at McCarren airport in Vegas, and as soon as she finishes this post she's going to rush off to her first class seat, order another bloody, pop an Ativan, and sleep all the way back to Houston. That's the plan!
More tomorrow from Louisiana- maybe even some pictures!
Whirlwind Week!
This weekend will be a costume making marathon as she tries to get ahead of that challenge.
Meanwhile, she's got some correspondance to take care of before she gets her day started. (Doesn't correspondance sound so much better than "emailing!?"
If there are 2 things in the world that Miss G loves, it's Engrish and bathroom humor! So she is really enjoying the latest string of funnies on Engrish.com! I leave you to ponder the powers of this super hero! Leave a comment and give it your best shot!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Miss Ginger Bites into Vegas!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wanda Sykes Comes Out!
Miss Ginger Demonstrates!

Neither Boy or Ginger are much on demonstration and protest, and their support of causes tends to be more humanitarian than political. But, on a very basic level, there is no more humanitarian need than human rights, and the right to marry whomever one chooses should not be denied to anyone.
And, when you think about stupid prop 8, where along the way did society start "defensive legislation", anyway? I mean, prop 8 is proposing to "ban" something that isn't even legal! How stupid is that?
At first Miss Ginger thought there were about 1,000 people there, and she saw SpecialEd (from our Special Events team at work) and NeighborJane from down the street, plus lots of other peeps.
By the time she worked her way out of the midst to take this crowd shot, she revised her estimate to more like 2,000.
And here's a little movie clip of the crowd chanting:
So that's it from Houston! I'm looking forward to seeing coverage from Dust Bunnies all around the country on David's blog!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Celia Speaks English!

from 2 of Miss Ginger's favorites:
Here are a couple of reasons why!
First- why white girls shouldn't breakdance, beside the obvious:
And, can you imagine the line at this door?

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thank Gawd!
Thank goodness she got the "flushable" kind, because if she had inadvertantly gotten home with the "rinse and reuse" kind she'd have been one pissed off drag queen!
Just sayin'!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I Want My Babyback,Babyback,Babyback- and more!
As I began catching up on blogs, all the talk on Northwest Dan's blog about Applebees® and Olive Garden® made me hungry for Chili's® Baby Back Ribs®.
But I didn't want to go by myself, and I remembered I had some baby ribs in the freezer, so I lit the grill and they are smoking as we speak. Unfortunately, I realized I don't have any barbeque sauce until after I put them on, and I didn't want to go to the grocery, so I decided to improvise with an onion, some honey, some vinegar, the correct spices, and jar of Ragu®. It's white trash cooking at it's finest, and it looks and smells just like barbeque sauce now!
It should be done just in time for me to enjoy while I watch the season premiere of Top Chef, with my favorite celebuchef daddy, Tom Collichio.

Cheers! I'll let you know how it turns out!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Who Say's Everyone in Texas is Bigotted?
UT-Austin students form campus' first gay fraternity
Associated Press
AUSTIN — The University of Texas now has its first and only gay fraternity.
Delta Lambda Phi, a nationally recognized gay fraternity, was inducted at UT earlier this year.
Russell van Kraayenburg, president of the fraternity, brought up the idea to open a gay fraternity to the UT Greek community six months ago.
"Everyone's been so supportive on campus," he said. "There's not been a single person I've talked to who's been against the idea or even questioned the idea."
Members complained that a lot of fraternities exclude gays at UT.
"I would go through West Campus and see all the other fraternities and I just kind of knew in my mind, I was like, I can't be in that fraternity,'" said UT student Ryan Yezak, who's now one of seven members of the gay fraternity.
I'll bet this frat can build a human pyramid like no other!

Where's Rosa Parks When We Need Her?

Monday, November 10, 2008
It's Here!
Unlike summer rains, which tend to start mid to late afternoon and cool the world for about an hour, then disapper, winter rains come along and camp out for days. It's been raining, drizzling, or pouring all day, and the forecast calls for it to continue until at least Thursday.
Good think Miss Ginger loves rain! She'll snuggle up with the kitties and sleep until it's sunny again!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Papier Mache

Miss Ginger LOVES papier mache! It's kind of odd that such a messy craft is one of her favorites, but she realized today she loves it because it's a chance for all of her OCD and anal retentive tendecies to exercize their right to flourish! She spent the afternoon in the garage, starting with the big strips, criss crossing them, and the moving to ever and ever smaller pieces as she smooths the surface with her hands. She can't tell you what she's making- you can't see that until after the ball- but she is glad to finally have begun! Now that's she's taken the plunge, she should be able to keep moving on it and be finished in plenty of time. The papier mache will form the headpiece, and there's probably another day's work on that. She's going to order fabric tonight to create the actual garment, and the huge backpiece will be the last piece to be created, due to storage implications. You'll never guess what she's going to be, so don't even try!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Welcome to Obamatopia!
Lest you think Miss Ginger has spent all day creating these clever Obamamisms, she is actually quoting an article she read that the Houston Chronicle picked up from the AP.
Barackisms sweep across Obamatopia
Wags and Web weave words for brave new Bamelot
Associated Press
Nov. 7, 2008, 10:42PMShare Print Email Del.icio.usDiggTechnoratiYahoo! Buzz. First there was "Obamamania," punctured in places by naysayers crying "Nobama!"
Now, as President-elect Barack Obama prepares for the White House, his message of change, resounding both at home and abroad, seems to have unleashed a barrage of Barackisms. Or maybe they should be called Obamanyms.
Here's a glossary, culled from Web sites, news reports and the blogosphere:
• Obamaphoria: The postelection rapture that swept over Obama's supporters worldwide.
• Obamanation: A twist on "abomination," expressed by evangelicals and other conservatives who oppose Obama's stance on abortion, gay marriage and other issues.
• Obamarama: The celebrations around the Jan. 20, 2009, inauguration.
• Obamanos: A play on "Vamonos," or "Let's go," among Obama fans in Mexico.
• Obamatopia: The political paradise that Obama's staunchest supporters hope he'll usher in.
• Obamalujah: Exultation shouted by his fans.
• Obamatrons: The policy wonks who will occupy the West Wing of his White House.
• Obamascope: Media scrutiny of the new leader. (Example: "One hundred days after Barack Obama took office, newspaper editors put the president's economic plan under the Obamascope.")
• Obamanator: Hollywood-inspired nickname for the new president — even if he's got what California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger contends are "skinny legs" and "scrawny little arms."
• Bamelot: Description of his presidency, from a New York Post headline that played on the youth and freshness of John F. Kennedy's administration that came to be known as "Camelot."
• Barackstar: Description from those who believe Obama is "the Mick Jagger of politics" (from Slate.com).
Don't know about you, but now everyone who wins at everything will be recognized as a "Barackstar" by Miss Ginger!
and we can toss this one "Barack and forth" for days as we come up with more and more words for Baracknophiles to use in their daily lives!
Friday, November 7, 2008
A Chance to Screw the Mormons- Ewe!
Anyway, I've read that they just screwed the GLBTQ community by spending HUGE amounts of money to support prop 8 in California. If that's the case, they have violated the stipulations of their tax-exempt status. I don't know if it happened or not, but I DO think the IRS should investigate, and I have signed a petition requesting that they do.
Miss Ginger thinks it would be FABULOUS if you be be a sweetie and go to this website to sign it, as well!
And, thanks to Chicago Dan for the headsup!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Worlds Eyes are on America!

Last summer in London, Miss G and Sonna were somewhat surprised by the fact that every cabdriver and bartender wanted to talk about "Hilary's chances" or "the Evil Bush". We were amazed that they were so interested, so well informed, and so well connected with American politics. Honesty, Miss G's not 100% sure she could name the prime minister of the UK today. Is it still Tony Blair?
The world's reaction to the Obama election is equally fascinating. Here's a couple of excerpts from the BBC's website, from an article entitled "What the world expects":
"Gordon Brown will be keen to have some "face time" with the president-elect ahead of the international financial summit in Washington on the 15th of this month."
"Polls show that more than 70% of Canadians would, if they could, have voted for Barack Obama in the US presidential election."
"And almost all Iranians hold a firm belief that their country is of global importance, at the centre of the world stage, demanding urgent attention from the new US president. But they could be disappointed."
"Opinion polls have consistently estimated that more than eight in 10 French people would have backed him, and according to one recent survey only 1% would have voted for John McCain."
At first, Miss Ginger thought "how dare the world have expectations of OUR President!" "He's not theirs! They're not allowed to expect!"
But expectation is human nature, and of course even Miss G can't screw with Mother Nature! (Oh, wait a minute. Screwing with Mother Nature is what Miss G is all about! But that's "a whole 'nother post!"
Anyho, she was amused by the Canadian poll that declared that 70% of Canadians would have voted for Obama if they could. Or the French poll that predicted 8 of 10 Frogs would have elected Obama if they were voting.
I have to ask: Have any GingerSnaps ever been polled to find out how they would vote in a Canadian election? Has any American newspaper ever predicted who would be the Prime Minister of France if Americans were invited to vote?
It poses the ages old question: "Does anybody really care?"
Moving Forward

I'm glad the election is over so we can all move forward. And I'm glad Barak Obama won. I wasn't necessarily an "early adopter", but I knew Bush and his cronies needed to go, I was afraid McCain would die in office, and I was certain the US could not survive another Republican presidency. If there ever were any doubt in my mind, McCain's selection of the lip-sticked-pig airhead from Alaska made my vote solid. So it's done! Yea!
Everyone who reads my blog knows I'm not a hater- but one thing I do hate is bitterness! All it takes to shut my ears is for someone to start ranting bitterly, and I'll take my "get over it, Mary!" stance and tune them out. So I'm thrilled that the world's bitter queens (there seem to be so many these days!) don't have Bush to blame things on any more! It's time for them to be happy! As Daddy Ginger would say: "s&%t or get off the pot!" Our man won! Our voice was heard! And people rallied behind our causes! If you're ever gonna be happy, now's the time to do it!
And you're not allowed to be bitter about the gay marriage ban unless you live in one of those states where it passed. Angry? Yes. Dissapointed? Sure. Hurt? Maybe. All of those are emotions, and they ebb and flow, and will heal over time. But bitter is not an emotion- it's a state of mind. It's an unwillingness to participate, and often a conduit for blame. In the words of Miss Ginger- "Get over it, Mary!" Don't be bitter, be convicted! Be convicted to do something different than what you did last year to bring the issue forward. But don't be bitter. Miss Ginger don't do bitter!
A lot in this election was made of the economy. President Obama's choice for Secretary of the Treasury will be of utmost importance! Anyone have a crystal ball to predict who he will tap?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
America Welcomes President Obama
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Rambling Rants and Randomness
First, the kitties are being weird. Normally, they interact with each other a great deal, playing, fighting, grooming, or just snuggling and sleeping together. Since Miss G has come home, it's like each kitty doesn't even know the other exits, even though they are in the same room together. And instead of both sleeping with me like normal, they won't come into the bedroom at the same time. Jackson will wait by the door until Shelby gets up to go to the litter box, and then he will come in. After she finishes her business and comes back, she realizes Jackson is in the room and won't come in. It's like they had some huge fight while I was gone and now they're not speaking! Their both being sweet with me but I want my whole kitty family back together!
Miss Ginger's back went out after she got home, which is not surprising, so instead of getting all the things done that need to get done, we're laying on ice packs and hobbling around like a letter "C". Miss Ginger often gets muscle spasms when she goes from periods of being on her feet a lot to periods of sitting or sleeping a lot. Usually they work themselves out with muscle relaxers and mobic, but this has been almost a week. Looks like it will be back to the physical therapist for Miss G. Not an altogther unpleasant experience, but time and schedule consuming, and expensive.
Str8upwithatwist blogged about All Saints Day, and started Miss G to wondering if there is a patron saint of Drag Queens? Does anybody know? Miss G also needs to pray to St. Anthony, because since she got back she can't find her ipod or her headphones. He always helps her find her lost earrings so I know he can help with consumer electronics as well!
Miss G skipped breakfast bunch this morning because her back hurt and she wasn't feeling sociable. It also gave her a chance to enjoy one of the good things that came out of her past relationship, fried boudin for breakfast. She never ate boudin till exBF came along, but he fried some up for breakfast one morning and Miss G was instantly hooked. She only got a couple of links left in the freezer, so she may have to make a road trip to the Mother State to get some more. Does anybody know where one can buy boudin in Texas?
The time changes always throws Miss G's schedule into a tail-spin, but at least she early voted on Friday so she doesn't have to worry about getting up early Tuesday to go by the polls on her way to work. I guess we'll all be glued to the TV Tuesday night- might be a fun night to go out to the bars to watch the returns, asuming things go our way. Otherwise, not so fun. In either case, cocktails will be appropriate!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Happenings