Miss Ginger's FABULOUS Things!
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Guess who I'm having lunch with today?!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009

At least the lesbians make sure Miss G gets out once in a while! Tomorrow they are taking her to see the Astros play at Minute Maid Park. It's supposed to be pretty, so hopefully they will have the roof open, and hopefully the Astros will have at least one home run so Miss G can watch the little train full of around go around the stadium. She loves that!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Miss Ginger *HEARTS* Christopher!!!

Anyway, maybe in Miss Ginger's wildest dream Christopher will stumble upon MIss G's blog and leave a comment! A gurl can dream, can't she!?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday Services!
Here in the South we love our gospel music- what a great excuse for brunch! Miss Ginger has always been inspired by Sister Vestal's hair, which is almost as high as her voice! Vestal herself once said she wears her hair so high 'cause it puts her that much closer to God! Interestingly enough, Brother Johnnie's voice is actually higher than Vestal's! Get out your white hanky and wave it! Or, as we have proven time and again in NOLA, a BevNap® works just fine!
For TrannyBeth:
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009
Avast, ye maties!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Who knew???

Good to know he's alive and kickin'! And taking care of his "bidness". I loved him "Best Little Whorehouse!"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
We Have a Winner!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Flags at half-mast in Houston!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday Services!
Saturday, September 12, 2009

And, as you all know, Miss G also loves herself a kitty cat, and has even tolerated a certain number of racoons in her back yard. But cross the 2 of them and drink coffee that comes from their ass, and the whole thing just gets a little too strange even for a drag queen with a flair for the exotic! Civet coffee is made by feeding whole coffee beans to a civet, which looks to Miss G like a cross between a cat, a racoon, and Amy Winehouse.
After the civet takes it's best shot at digesting the coffee beans, the undigested remains of the beans are picked out of the ensuing civet poop, roasted, and used to create this exotic brew.
I'm pretty sure this culinary concept was created by the same person who first ate mountain oysters- or milked a cow, for that matter! "Let's pull these dangly things and drink whatever comes out!" Good thing they got a cow and not a bull, or you'd be putting something very different on your ceral in the morning!
Friday, September 11, 2009

Well, come to find out, they run the whole garage, but they only own part of it. The back side (connects on 2 and 4) belongs to someone else, and they just contract out guys to run it for them. So, apparently on Fridays, their brother Guido comes in with his tow truck and makes a few extra bucks by pulling out everyone on that side who parked illegally! And only on Fridays- go figure! Ya think it's not really Guido's truck, but that's his day off from his job with whomever does own the truck?!
Anyho- Miss G was pissed because she was on her way to happy hour! DAMN! Luckily, her coworker Christine was justs coming down the ramp, so she took Miss G to get the car.
OYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEE! What a waste of a Friday night! Now Miss G is home: pissed, pissed pissed! So, she fixed herself a big ole batch of martinis! If she gonna be "pissed", she might as well do it British style!
Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's GO, you uber-hot, chrome-domed morsel! "Please pack your knives and GO!"
Never send a man to do a woman's job, Momma G always said!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Home Sweet Home!
Stocks gain on takeover news, rising commodities
Associated Press
Sept. 8, 2009, 3:24PM
A takeover bid from Kraft Foods Inc. for Cadbury is reviving hopes that the economy could be improving.
According to preliminary calculations, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 56 to 9,497; the Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 9 to 1,025; and the Nasdaq composite index rose 19 to 2,038.
The three indexes also rose Thursday and Friday. U.S. exchanges were closed Monday for Labor Day.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Labor Day!

Friday, September 4, 2009
It Certainly Is...

DECADENT! Miss G arrived yesterday and headed straight to the casina to get her game on! She played Wizard of Oz slots until she was blearly eyed, and then headed over to the Pub to start the cocktail hour... at around 3pm!