The next day, July 19th, Miss Ginger joins the rest of the Juleps as we crown a new Mr./Ms. and Miss Mint Julep! It's Legacy's biggest community fund raiser of the year, and it's always lots and lots of fun! Come on out and see where Miss Ginger got her humble beginning!
Mark in DE left a comment asking "Miss Ginger, do you always wear your hair up?" and the answer is "yes, pretty much always, except for character parts". Yasee, Mark, in the summer in Houston, it's 104 degrees in the shade, and those wigs we wear on stage are 1000% polyester from China. They are hot as hell on the coolest of days, and in the summer heat, just about the last thing you want dripping down your neck is a mop of sweaty polyester! You'll notice in the pics I post that most of us girls wear updo's or short hair. Plus, I think updo's are more befitting Miss Ginger's elegant wardrobe, doncha think?!
I never thought about how hot those wigs would be. Whew! I know your upcoming appearances will be very successful! Hugs, Beth
Thanks for answering my question. Now that you've explained why, it makes a lot of sense. Plus, updos truly are elegant.
Updos are elegant. Wigs are very hot! You suffer for beauty!
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