Miss Ginger's experience with Momma G did have a lot of similarities. Momma G had a sudden stroke- no warning or expectation. Most of her children were in another state. Anti-stroke drugs had no effect. The CAT scan revealed that the damage to her brain was "catastrophic". There was no hope for functional survival or occupational recovery. If she survived, she would be, as the term goes, a "vegetable". God, I hate that word to this day!!!!
Miss G made it to Momma within 12 hours of the stroke. I know she knows her baby was there. After that, it becomes a blur. CAT scan... neurologist... "if she survives"... "catastrophic damage"... heavy breathing... panting... shots.... calmness... brothers holding hands.... blip. blip................ blip.........................................blip.......................................................blip......................................................................................blip.
......................................................................................................................... blip.........................................................................................................
Thank God I will never have to go through that again. Dammit all that Beth has to suffer through it!
I wish I could do it for her! I'm an old pro... maybe even good at it. No one should have to go through it. No one! But, we all do, at some point. And we survive.
Beth will survive. She's a survivor. And she has her beloved Ken and a strong family to help her through.
Her life will be changed forever. Changed by the loss of the man who help bring her to this Earth. And she will be honored to be there to see him through it!
Godspeed, and prompt succor, Daddy Nutwood! Prompt succor!
Before I go off to a corner to cry, I'm going to say this. I understand.
I have never believed that one woman alone could be all the mother you need. It takes several women to make the complete mother we need. My father's oldest sister was one of these women for me. We tslked on a daily basis. Next month will be the one year anniversary of her death.
One minute she was helping her grandchildren with their homework.
The next she had a stroke and went into s coma. I still miss her every day because she was my support system.
what a wonderful soul you are Miss g...and you helped me so much when my mom died....
hugs to Nutwood Beth..and to you too Miss G.
You know, the prospect of death really worries me now.
As you know I had a friend die on Jan 1 and had to pay a flying visit to the US where I was a casket bearer for her-a great honour.
Other than that I've only had to deal with my grandparents. I was so young. And, most recently both my cats. Who I lived with for just under 18 years in total.
The sense of loss is heartbreaking; I really don't know how I will cope with someone near and dear. I know I will, people do, but I dread it completely.
Best wishes to you Nutwood Beth.
Indeed, my thoughts go out to Beth and her family, and to you, dear Ginger. Loss is always hard, and when it is someone we hold near and dear, it can seem impossible.
Thanks for your good wishes to Beth, and we know how much your mom meant to you.
I lost my Dad in 1990, and it still hurts, but it is not as raw as it once was. Of course, losing another Dad today just makes it all hurt again.
Oh sweetie. Thank you so much for this. It has been very painful, and I know this pain is far from over, but the kindness and caring of people like you will help me get through it.
I'm sure I will ponder this at length at some point, but right now, there are things to be done...there will be plenty of time to grieve, and I know I will.
Thank you, darling. XOXO Beth
Wise, insightful sentiments, that can only come from someone who understands Miss G.
Time... Time
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