Miss Ginger's FABULOUS Things!
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Right Around the Corner!
Swine flu comes to school
Episcopal High closed with sick student; HISD shuts down 2 schools in Heights —The girl who attends Episcopal is recovering from the disease, according to health officials. HISD has two probable cases that are not confirmed.
Read Episcopal High's letter to parents about closure
Harvard Elem., Hamilton Middle closed in HISD over flu
Tracking flu in infants; timeline on Houston death
Coming at noon today: Live chat on swine flu with SciGuy
Obama: There's no need to close border with Mexico
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It's Here!

By TODD ACKERMAN Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
April 29, 2009, 5:57PM
Officials at Fort Bend County’s health department said early Wednesday evening that they just received confirmation of the case from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The resident was not hospitalized and is recovering, said the officials. They said they would provide more details after talking to the family.
The confirmation came a half a day after the CDC announced that a nearly 2-year-old Mexico City boy who fell ill in Brownsville and was transported for treatment at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston was the first U.S. death.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sanctuary Much!
Monday, April 27, 2009
A JazzFest Star Sighting???

Don't Touch Anything!

NEVER try on mascara, lipstick, or eyeliner in a department store!!! Test the color on the back of your hand, then wash it away with soap and water or an alcohol swap. Those sample trays are germ-infested cesspools of infection waiting to happen!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Miss Ginger's JazzFest Report
JazzFest weekend was awesome! When Bubba John got into town we downed a coupla dozen chargrilled oysters at Drago's, then headed to the casino for some gambling. After while (and some $$$) later, it was decided a trip into the Quarter would be in order, so we walked up Decatur to Molly's at the Market. Molly's is a great locals "dive" near the French Market, and believe it or not Miss Ginger stayed up till 4am quaffing brews and chatting with the locals! And, in the back bar at Molly's, Wu holds court, and holds the bar down pretty much 24/7, or so I'm told! That's a long shift for any bartender, so Mr. Wu has been known to catnap between customers!

There were lots of tourists and locals "second lining", as the dance is now called, but none did it as well as The Lady Jetsetters Marching Club! These ladies are smooth!
So, who's up for planning a "SnapFest" at JazzFest next year? We'll get all the GingerSnaps together and REALLY show them how to second line!Friday, April 24, 2009
So, Bubba's flight lands in about 4 minutes and he'll be here to join in the mirth of New Orleans! Tonight, they're headed to the "casina" (as they call them Texas) to win back the money Miss G left there last night! Then, Saturday is the JazzFest and after that the French Quarter, if the 2 old geezers still have it in them! There will be lots of photos on the blog come Sunday evening, so watch for those!
And once Miss G gets home it's time to get everything in motion for the Derby Day Party on May 2nd at Chances! If you hadn't planned to be there, you need to change your plans! It's going to be a crazy party with lots of GREAT games and prizes, and, of course, a chance to "bet" on the derby! Everybody who's anybody will be there, and since you're somebody, you won't want to be left out! See ya Saturday! Don't forget your bonnets!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Miss Ginger Makes the Best of It!
Thank goodness the Baton Rouge Marriott has a business center, so Miss G can share this irrritation with her fans!
At least the Marriott is right next to the Fox and Hound Pub, where Miss G loves to eat greasy food and drink Blue Moons in big mugs! There's also a Sullivan's right next to it, but Miss G did not pack an updo or an appropriate frock, so she gorged on wings and beer at the Fox and Hound. She likes the Fox and Hound because she doesn't feel stupid eating alone there, and they hardly even seem to notice that she is a drag queen!
She had hoped to do some SIRveiance ala Supreme Dwight, but, alas, no sirs were veilance worthy at this particular sportsbar tonight. Damn. Maybe next time!
Tomorrow, she's on the road to Lafayette for a spell, then she'll backtrack and end up in NOLA, the motherland!!!! And Friday, Bubba John comes in to join the party, and Saturday they are going to JazzFest! Surely there will some veilance worthy sirs there!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Miss Ginger's First Guest Spot!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Life Without Pinot- Day 1

It might be worth a try.
(actual Nutrisystem® website models!)
Oh, and it comes with it's own free blog site! So check out her Nutrisystem® blog !
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Okay, It's Done!
Miss Ginger hopes this all goes better then the last time she threw caution to the wind and met people from afar over the internet. Although, it was really from afar. And the intentions were far riskier!
Yasee, Miss G and the ex decided that they wanted a houseboi. (In retrospect, thank GOD that didn't work out!) Of course, Miss Ginger wasn't going to settle for just any houseboi. So she and the ex searched the world over and found one in, of all places, Stockholm, Sweden. So, off to Scandanavia they went, dreaming of meeting the boi they would love and cherish and put through college. (Okay, there has to be SOMETHING in it for him!)
Anyho, it didn't take Miss G long to figure out: "Something's fishy in Denmark!" (Work with me here- Scandanvia is Scandanavia!) The boi wouldn't go to gay bars with us. (Yathink he was worried about being "recognized?") He freaked out when we observed the attrative attributes of passers-by. And it was CLEAR that there was no chemistry between he and the ex! Crystal clear! So, we left the little norsk hustler behind, and came home to finish out our deteriorating relationship. All ended amenable, but to this day Miss G thanks her lucky stars she doesn't have a cranky Swedish college dropout living in her guest room!
EEEEEEEEEEN CH LADA: she is certain the NYC trip willl be much more pleasant, since there is so much less at risk! And so much more to gain! Can't wait!!! Miss G is already trying to decide what to wear on the plane!
She's "In"!

No Gardening this Weekend!

Friday, April 17, 2009
When a drag queen reaches a certain age...
Why is it that....
The Biggest One I Ever Saw...

Oh, and mark your 2010 calendars for March 15th- Miss G's gonna throw a penis party the likes of which Houston has never seen!
Thanks, "Mom", for turning me on to this! (Word Choice Fail?)
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Their Weather is Crappy Anyway...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Miss Ginger is ELECTRIFYING!
Now, Miss G, being the outdoorsy girl that she is, had the foresight to have the contractors install a dedicated circuit of electrical outlets all around the house when it was remodeled, to be used for seasonal lighting displays, landscape lighting, etc. Pretty clever, huh?
After that, Miss G installed cable into a watertight plastic coated flexible conduit, and attached a waterproof outlet box with a rain hood to the end. It kind reminded Miss G that she needs to make an appointment for that colonoscopy!
Once the conduit was prepared, she attached the box to the fencepost, layed the conduit into the trench, and ran the other end to the existing outlet box, where it was attached with waterproof connectors.
Monday, April 13, 2009
You Got to Have Friends!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter from Project Bunway!
This Is Really Entertaining!
Sometime when Miss Ginger thinks something like this is very cool, she discovers she is the last person on Earth to have heard it. Taking that risk, here are: The Voca People!
TASTLESSNESS DISCLAIMER: Biological Females May Not Find This Amusing!
Anyway, Miss G ADORES "The Sound of Music" staring Miss Julie Andrews, who, in Miss G's mind, should certainly be Dame Julie Andrews by now! Anyway, there is a part of the movie with a very unfortunate pronunciation, that I'm pretty sure would not make it by censors today!
Miss G apologizes to those who may be offended, but she can't help but laugh every time she hears it!
The Easter Dilemma...
no, it's not "how do we get this huge rock out from in front of this cave...?"
The dilemma is: Who will be attending "Bunnies on the Bayou"? Will it be Boy G or Miss G? The plan all along was for Miss G to go. Each year, the largest donors (Miss G included!) are honored with a tent near the entrance to the party that houses a private bartender. Patrons are encouraged to decorate their tents to match the theme, and you can imagine at a gay event how elaborate those can become.
Miss G and her co-lieutenant decided on the theme "Project Bunway"- "for these 12 rabbits, this the the chance of a lifetime!", starring Miss G as Heidi (pregnant with Seal's baby, or course), Co-lieutenant as Michael Kors, and his boyfriend as "Meana Garzilla" (drag and makeup optional)
But here's the rub- it IS going to pour down rain today! There is a front coming through that you can see on the radar, and it's probably going to pass over Houston at T-1! And, this won't be some little sprinkly April shower. It's gonna be a full-on, balls-to-the-walls, it can only rain this hard in Texas kind of fronts, with severe thunderstorms and maybe a tornado or 2! So, the question becomes- does Miss G brave the weather, and risk ruining a wig and shoes, not to mention the humiliation of a mascara-stained face at one of Houston's largest events? Or does she send Boy G to make her excuses, and make the best of a party that will not be the grand event it could have been due to the weather? She has about 2 hours to decide, then it will be time to start painting! What's a gurl to do?!