Miss Ginger's FABULOUS Things!
Search Miss Ginger's FABULOUS World!

Friday, February 27, 2009
We Missed It!
It's Rodeo Time!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
SPOILER ALERT: A Top Chef Disaster!!!

Disaster Strikes Chez Ginger!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
For David Dust: A Photo of the Mother Ship!

You are a Self-Discoverer |
![]() You're not religious, but you've created your own kind of spirituality. Introspective and thoughtful, you tend to look inward for the divine. You are distrusting of all forms of organized religion. You especially dislike religious gurus and leaders, who you feel are charlatans. |
Monday, February 23, 2009
Miss Ginger's StyleSession® Oscar Style!
There were,as always, some winners. and some losers on the red carpet last night, and Miss G must say it was the night of fanned-out fishtails and pushed up boobs! I'm suprised there wasn't more boob spillage (boobage?)

Marissa Tomei's gown was really pretty, but Miss G couldn't help but feel like the bodice looked like a stack of bevnaps fanned out on a bar. The effect worked for the skirt, but not so much for the smaller pieces at the top.

And finally, Meryl. Dear, dear Meryl. You have had more Oscar nominations than anyone in history. You have shown your enormous range in everything from comedies to dramas to musicals. And you tried really hard to wear something that was age appropropriate. Yet all you gave us was this sad, brown dress.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Happy Birthday, Boy Ginger!
Turning 46 has been difficult for Boy G. Cute young Miss G can be any age she wants, but Boy G is stuck being a 46 year old man with a bald head, spreading midsection, aching feet, and rising cholesterol and bloog pressure! Plus, at 45, 50 is still 5 years away! Now, it's looming dangerously close! Boy G never felt his age until Momma G died, and now he just feels like an old man with dead relatives and 2 persnickity cats that only attention to him when they want to!
But Miss Marriane and the gang would have none of THAT depressing self pity! She and Meg dragged me (screaming!) to the Mystery/Fantasy ball last night, and we had a blast! (more pics at str8upwithatwist's blog!) This morning, we had our regular mexican breakfast, and thankfully Boy G's request was respected for no greasy sombrerros and no mexican "Happy Birthday, Ponchito!" Then tonight, we had a low key night watching the Oscars and enjoying adult refreshments, while Baby Jack entertained us, thanks to his beautiful mom Meg and his handsome (and slightly hungover) dad Brett! Momma Shyanne was there with cute Kevin for breakfast and the Oscars, as was John and one of the the many handsome bald Tom's! "Mom and Dad' even called from vacation in Hawaii, and sent pics of cute surfer boys they took from their lanai! Dad promised to clip a surfer wth a coconut and stuff him in a suitcase so he can check him through to his final destination: Miss G's budoir! What a birthday present that would be!
It was a great day, and the Ginger's are blessed to have such great friends!
But this Susan Vermin chick has now left 2 totally inappropriate comments on Miss Ginger's blog! Not that they were tastelessly inappropriate- that would be totally appropriate! They were just totally out of context with Miss G, her blog, or the post to which they commented. For example:
In response to Miss Ginger's post about 2 totally inappropriate 50's era health films that equated homosexuality with pedophilia, Miss Vermin commented:
"How awesome! Thanks for sharing!may god bless you !" (sic) Hopefully, she didn't really think those film were awesome! And when she invokes deity, she really should capitalize!
And to Miss G's rant about the economy, her way-off-base response was:
"Hi…..Your blog is breathe taking. It has a great appeal.I like your blog……" (sic)
Well, Vermin Susan, I am sorry if I took your "breathe" away- it wasn't my intention! I know you read my blog, so step forward and defend, sweetheart. What's your deal? Why do you post art that is not your own and accept the praise as though it is deserved? And why do you read my blog and leave comments that are totally out of context to the subject matter? I just want to understand the situation! I would have emailed you directly but couldn't find an email link on any of you numerous blogs! There is an email link on my sidebar if you'd like to respond privately!
Miss Ginger's Economic Opinion

Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Mystery/Fantasy Ball
Friday, February 20, 2009
Give Back a Smile!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Flight of the Animals!

Miss Ginger first met Aaron last year when he was a candidate for Mr. Mint Julep, and was THRILLED to have the opportunity to crown him when he won! She was the extremely lucky Queen who got to crown both Miss and Mr. because my Mr. was AWOL. ( sung: something about sharing, something about always...)
Anyway, Aaron is sponsoring a show for the Krewe so, of course, Miss Ginger will be there "in her glory!" Actually, she's going to spend this weekend sewing some "glory", because most of the "glory" in her closet doesn't fit, and the "glory" that does fit has been too oft' seen! But, she's got a HUGE bolt of animal print fabric that should be perfect for this show!

I hope missing her appointment doesn't void her warranty!
We Lost A 'Snap!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Top Chef Robbery!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Oh, Yes it's Carnival Time!

Monday, February 16, 2009
A Mental Lapse....

Let me assure you, you do not want to be the pharmacy tech who has to tell a drag queen she can't refill a prescription for her mood stabilizers! After Miss G let into her, that poor pharmacy girl will probably be on prescriptions for the rest of her life.
Anyway, the pharmacist got on the phone and assured Miss G that should would contact the Dr. the next morning, and that once the Rx was "in the system", Miss G could have it filled at whatever random podunk Louisiana Walgreen's she found herself near.
So Miss G has had her pill. Her skin is crawling. Her brain no longer feels inside out. Everything is normal again. Whew! Disaster averted. Except for the unfortunate pharmacy girl incident. Hopefully she will recover from Miss G's wrath! It wasn't done out of hatred: Miss G was a very sick woman at the time!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Boys and Girls Beware!!!
Miss Ginger stumbled upon these 2 video clips on You Tube searching for the "That Girl" theme song. (Imagine that!) I'm not sure why they came up in that particular search.
They were 50's or 60's era "safety" films promoted by the Ingelwood Police Department for use in high school health classes. The titles "Boys Beware" and "Girls Beware" were designed to scare the crap out of the kids, and it probably worked.
The "Girls Beware" video is benign enough. It starts by imploring the girls to use common sense in relating to strangers, and in a very 50's like manner touches on the subject of "baby sitting safety". It ends by inferring (never saying) that if a girls allows herself to become too close to an older boy, she will become pregnant and end up in juenile detention. It never said how close- its just shows the sunshine and trees at that "turning point".
The "Boys Beware" video blows me away! The entire 10 minute video states emphatically that sick individuals known as "ho-mo-sexuals" will target boys for (vague implications) and might even kill them. It also stated pretty clearly that these boys will themselves become "ho-mo-sexuals" if they aren't extremely careful!
It's almost (that's a big almost) funny in a sick sort of way. Heaven forbid we educate the boys against the dangers of VD or unwanted pregnacies (they play a role in that, too!)
Interestingly enough, the cop in the girl video looks like a big ole lesbo (why didn't we warn the girls about those?!) and the cop at the end of the boy video is real cute!
"The Last Rose for your Valentine"-

Friday, February 13, 2009
A Nothing Day....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
You've Got to Have Friends!
More Pics from the Ball!
Miss Ginger Chimes in on the Octubitch!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Everybody's Doing It!
Reality Bytes! (Spoiler Alert:Top Chef and RuPaul's Drag Race!)

Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
More From the Ball!
The Time Has Come.....
A cuckoo bird in a cuckoo clock!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Things didn't go great. The backpiece rode too high- got to bring a hacksaw to fix that. The hands broke. They can be fixed with hotglue and skewers. Everything else worked okay, and I think once the center of gravity it lowered it will ride better.
Bet you're really all dying to see it now! In due time, dear 'snaps!
T-1 and Counting!

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
This just in....
Associated Press
Feb. 4, 2009, 6:12AM
WASHINGTON — It’s a tradition for Wells Fargo & Co. to reward top employees with a lavish junket. In previous years, though, the company hadn’t just received a $25 billion bailout from taxpayers.
Wells Fargo had booked 12 nights, beginning Friday, at the Wynn Las Vegas and the Encore Las Vegas.
“Let’s get this straight: These guys are going to Vegas to roll the dice on the taxpayer dime?” said Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, a West Virginia Republican who sits on the House Financial Services Committee. “They’re tone-deaf. It’s outrageous.”
The company initially defended the trip. But within hours, investigators and lawmakers on Capitol Hill had scorned the bank, and the company canceled.
The trip was to come on the heels of this week’s announcement that Wells Fargo lost more than $2.3 billion in the last three months of 2008.
Previous all-expense-paid trips for Wells Fargo have included helicopter rides, wine tasting, horseback riding in Puerto Rico and a private Jimmy Buffett concert in the Bahamas for more than 1,000 of the company’s top employees and guests.
“In light of the current environment, we have now decided to cancel this event as well,” the company said Tuesday night in a news release that also said it had never planned to use taxpayer bailout money for the trip.
Corporate retreats have attracted criticism since the bank bailout last fall. Congress scolded insurance giant American International Group Inc. for spending $440,000 on spa treatments for executives just days after the company took $85 billion from taxpayers. AIG has since canceled all such outings.
Because of the bailout and the recession, other banks have canceled employee outings. Morgan Stanley informed employees Monday that an appreciation trip to Monte Carlo was off.
Initially, Wells Fargo indicated it had no plans to cancel.
“Recognition events are still part of our culture,” spokeswoman Melissa Murray said Tuesday afternoon. “It’s really important that our team members are still valued and recognized.”
In previous years, top Wells Fargo loan officers were treated to performances by Cher, Jay Leno and Huey Lewis. One year, the company provided fortune tellers and offered camel rides, said Debra Rickard, a former Wells Fargo mortgage employee from Colorado who attended the events regularly until she left the company in 2004.
Every night when employees returned to their rooms, there was a new gift on their pillows, she said.
“I was amazed with just how lavish it was,” Rickard said. “We stayed in top hotels, the entertainment was just unbelievable, and there were awards — you got plaques or trophies.”
Kevin Waetke, another spokesman for Wells Fargo, said the Las Vegas trip provided a “unique opportunity” for employees of Wells Fargo and newly acquired bank Wachovia Corp. “to focus on continuing to do all we can for U.S. homeowners.”
Said New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo: “Now, they’re sending employees on junkets to Las Vegas. You do the math.” Cuomo recently sought information about Wells Fargo’s bonuses as part of his investigation into the banking industry.
Rooms at the Wynn and the Encore are consistently among the most expensive in Las Vegas. The $2.3 billion Encore opened in December. Its decor includes a 27-foot Asian dragon made from 90,000 Swarovski crystals and artwork by Colombian artist Fernando Botero. One of the restaurants features Frank Sinatra’s 1953 Oscar.
Both properties have high-end retail stores, including Manolo Blahnik at Wynn and Chanel at Encore.
Wells Fargo reversed course Tuesday evening. The company said it had planned to scale back the Las Vegas trip but decided to cancel it, just as it had already done for other events scheduled for this year.
The statement did not say what, other than a four-night sales conference, the company had planned for its 12 nights in Las Vegas. The company said, however, it did not plan any other employee recognition events this year.
Morgan Stanley, which received $10 billion in bailout funds, had been planning to send its top employees to a hotel in Monte Carlo this April. A Morgan Stanley travel agent said that the trip, along with a similar event in the Bahamas, was still on as of Tuesday afternoon. But company spokesman Jim Wiggins said employees were told Monday that the events were canceled. He said the travel agent was incorrect. .
You got your hands caught in the candy jar Too late, idiots!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It Just Ain't Fittin'!

Bailed-out Wells Fargo plans Las Vegas casino junkets
Feb. 3, 2009, 2:54PM
Wells Fargo, once among the nation's top writers of subprime mortgages, has booked 12 nights at the Wynn Las Vegas and its sister hotel, the Encore Las Vegas beginning Friday, said Wynn spokeswoman Michelle Loosbrock. The hotels will host the annual conference for company's top mortgage officers.
The conference is a Wells Fargo tradition. Previous years have included all-expense-paid helicopter rides, wine tasting, horseback riding in Puerto Rico and a private Jimmy Buffett concert in the Bahamas for more than 1,000 employees and guests.
"I was amazed with just how lavish it was," said Debra Rickard, a former Wells Fargo mortgage employee from Colorado who attended the events regularly until she left the company in 2004. "We stayed in top hotels, the entertainment was just unbelievable, and there were awards — you got plaques or trophies."
While the nation's recession has led other banks, such as Bank of America, to cancel employee recognition outings, Wells Fargo has not.
"Recognition events are still part of our culture," spokeswoman Melissa Murray said. "It's really important that our team members are still valued and recognized."
Corporate retreats have attracted criticism since the bank bailout last fall. Congress scolded insurance giant American International Group Inc. for spending $440,000 on spa treatments for executives just days after the company took $85 billion from taxpayers.
AIG has since canceled all such outings.
Beginning Feb. 25, Wells Fargo's insurance division is hosting a 40-person team meeting at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, according to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.
Murray did not immediately have details about the size or cost of the events or what was planned.
In previous years, top loan officers were treated to performances by Cher, Jay Leno and Huey Lewis. One year, the company provided fortune tellers and offered camel rides, Rickard said. Every night when employees returned to their rooms, there was a new gift on their pillows, she said.
Wells Fargo Chairman Richard Kovacevich has traditionally greeted every employee personally when they arrived.
Rooms at the Wynn and the Encore are consistently among the most expensive in Las Vegas. The $2.3 billion Encore opened in December as sister hotel to the Wynn. Its decor includes a 27-foot Asian dragon made from 90,000 Swarovski crystals and artwork by Colombian artist Fernando Botero. One of the restaurants features Frank Sinatra's 1953 Oscar.
Both properties have high-end retail stores, including Manolo Blahnik at Wynn and Chanel at Encore.
Associated Press writer Oskar Garcia contributed to this report from Las Vegas